Week 3 Story: The Creation of Sita

Mother Earth was the guardian of the world and the protector of all its creatures, who lived in harmony on the majestic landscapes of her body. Where her hip curved the waves of the ocean cascaded; where her knee bent the canopies of the forest bowed. Humans had always held a special fascination for Mother Earth. Their capacity to feel was unlike any of the other species that roamed her lands, and their lives were colored by a broad spectrum of emotions. She watched their tears mingle with the rains and their joy brighten the rays of the sun. The other creatures of the earth each had their own domain; the lion roams the desert as the monkey swings between the trees of the rainforest, just as the crocodile slips among the reeds of the wetlands and the penguin glides over the icy arctic floor. But humans were found far and wide, living among all the other creatures. They roamed and they settled, and then once more they would be on the move. Mother Earth watched intently as they ...