It's Easy Being Green in the Green Mountains - My Favorite Place

Vermont holds a special place in my heart. For the past six years, I have spent my summers dancing and performing in the town of Johnson with a local company called Burklyn Ballet Theatre.

 (Personal image of the view from a hill in Johnson, VT. August 2018)

The clear air and blue skies never fail to rejuvenate my spirits - I often sit outside for hours gazing at the horizon and the vast expanse of forest stretching out under the skyline. Sunsets here are painted with the most vivid colors of the artist’s palette, enveloping everything in a hazy golden glow. 

About an hour south lies the city of Burlington; it is a metropolitan area renowned for its local businesses and quirky atmosphere. 

(Church Street in Burlington, VT. Source: Flickr)

A beautiful body of water known as Lake Champlain stretches along the edge of the city. The upper shoreline borders Canada, and there is a ferry that connects us to our northern neighbors. The water is crystal clear, and people wade in along the rocky coast and command sailboats in the open breeze. A walking path runs along the length of the shore, and I have traveled down it many times.

(Personal images of Lake Champlain at dusk. June 2018)


  1. Oh, look at those gorgeous picture of Lake Champlain, Joni: wow! That's a state I would love to visit; I have never been there. And how cool that you are involved with ballet. Dance is a huge (HUGE) aspect of Indian culture. Maybe you will want to work on a dance-inspired Storybook for the class. You'll see in the class overview in Week 2 a video by one of my favorite Indian musical groups which features garba-style dancing! Maati Baani with Vidya: Fly Away


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