Feedback Thoughts
Negative Thinking ~ Read here
I really enjoyed this little comic. Although it is short and contains very few words, sometimes by saying less you are actually saying more. It contains a very poignant message about how we perceive our circumstances, and how depending on the attitude of our thinking we may have very different experiences. I think the fact that the author uses negative space to illustrate negative thinking is also very clever; they have adapted a concept in art with similar language and used this wordplay to their advantage. I strive to exude positivity in my life, and because I am a visual learner, I will definitely keep in mind how I can actively visualize my attitude through positive and negative space.
"Make good art." As Neil Gaiman states, making art is something we alone have control over, and it is a power we can utilize to lift ourselves up and express what only we can express best. I am a huge admirer of Gaiman, and when I saw his name pop up in the list of articles for this week's feedback post, I clicked on it instantly. His words make me want to go out, grab life by the horns, and run wild with my thoughts. He inspires us to take risks and embrace our mistakes, rather than being reviled by them; it is better to do and fail a thousand times than never to have tried at all. And I am continually enamored with the idea that no matter what we are experiencing, whether good or bad, we have the ability to channel our emotions into art. I believe the desire to create is inherent in the human soul, and that we must should ourselves to let this desire blossom into the figments of our imagination.
I really enjoyed this little comic. Although it is short and contains very few words, sometimes by saying less you are actually saying more. It contains a very poignant message about how we perceive our circumstances, and how depending on the attitude of our thinking we may have very different experiences. I think the fact that the author uses negative space to illustrate negative thinking is also very clever; they have adapted a concept in art with similar language and used this wordplay to their advantage. I strive to exude positivity in my life, and because I am a visual learner, I will definitely keep in mind how I can actively visualize my attitude through positive and negative space.
Make Good Art: Neil Gaiman’s Advice on the Creative Life, Adapted by Design Legend Chip Kidd ~ Read here
"Make good art." As Neil Gaiman states, making art is something we alone have control over, and it is a power we can utilize to lift ourselves up and express what only we can express best. I am a huge admirer of Gaiman, and when I saw his name pop up in the list of articles for this week's feedback post, I clicked on it instantly. His words make me want to go out, grab life by the horns, and run wild with my thoughts. He inspires us to take risks and embrace our mistakes, rather than being reviled by them; it is better to do and fail a thousand times than never to have tried at all. And I am continually enamored with the idea that no matter what we are experiencing, whether good or bad, we have the ability to channel our emotions into art. I believe the desire to create is inherent in the human soul, and that we must should ourselves to let this desire blossom into the figments of our imagination.
Advice from a cat! Source: Growth Mindset & Feedback Cats
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